I'm Pregnant - What are my options?
This is a decision that can be made all the way through pregnancy. You will have plenty of time to educate yourself and prepare if this is the choice you decide to make.
If you decide you want to parent, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Have I had a pregnancy test and ultrasound? This is important in helping you determine
that you’re pregnant, how far along you are, and that your pregnancy is viable. -
Do I have enough social support from family and friends?
Is there a possibility to marry the father of the child?
Do I need any practical help? Some women are in a position to purchase what they need on their own. Most women might need a little (or a lot) of help.
Do I need help in talking to my family?
Call 0444 631 4300, or chat with us at Pregnancy Helpline India today for more information. We’re here between 8 a.m. to midnight.
This is a decision that can be made any time in your pregnancy, all the way up to birth. It can even be made right after you have your baby if you’re undecided for that long. There are two different kinds of adoption, and it can be helpful to learn about each type to see which one fits your situation. Adoption, though often viewed as negatively is a very life-giving option for all involved.
If you decide you want adoption, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Have I confirmed my pregnancy by both pregnancy test and ultrasound? This is important in helping you determine that you’re pregnant and how far along you are. It’s also helpful to make certain your pregnancy is viable and will likely carry to term.
Do I understand the different types of adoption? What does the procedure include? You can call 0444 631 4300 or chat with us at Pregnancy Helpline India and we can provide you with more information. We’re here between 8 a.m. to midnight.
Need to Chat with Someone
While lots of people around you may have opinions on what you should do, you’re the person who will live with whatever you choose to do.
If you decide to do something, here are a few questions to ask yourself.
Have I taken a pregnancy test yet? If no, call 0444 631 4300 and we can assist you to get a pregnancy test. We’re here between 8 a.m. to midnight.
Have I received enough information to be confident in my choice? If no, contact us and we can provide sufficient information and connect you with help.
Do I feel pressured by others? If so, contact us and we can support you and open up options that work best for you.
Have I had an ultrasound to see if my pregnancy is viable? Some early pregnancies end in miscarriages, so it’s good to know. An ultrasound will also alert you if you have an ectopic pregnancy, which can be a life-threatening condition.
Remember: Take at least 48 hours to think about your decision. Is it really necessary what you are planning to do in order to solve the problems caused by your pregnancy? There are thousands of loving couples waiting to adopt. There might be options of you parenting your child, too. Your decision will be with you for a lifetime. Make it a choice you can live with!
Note: Pregnancy Helpline India and our network of participating life care organizations offer peer counselling and accurate information about all pregnancy options. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice.